Founder & Chariman Of Lord Our Righteousness Trust
LORD created earth and He also created all the things present in it. We are also creations of His hand. Today, His blessings are so great that He has made us His sons and daughters. There are many ways through which our LORD can call us like through written words, through songs, through spiritual visions, through prophecy, through dreams, through preaching work etc. LORD wants that nobody shall perish. From the beginning our LORD has been selecting a able and right king, prophet, rule for His people. LORD personally talked to Abraham, He said that get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s houses, to a land that I will show you, Genesis 12:1. Till that time Abraham used to make an altar and used to do prayers. One night when Jacob took one of the stones and put it under his head as a pillow and was sleeping LORD spoke to him the Jacob got awoke from his sleep took the stone that he has put at his head, set it up as a pillar, and poured oil on top of it and said, “this stone which I have set as a pillar shall be God’s house and of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth to You. Genesis 28:22” According to bible it is the first house which was for our LORD. We see that our LORD has chosen a perfect person that is Moses for His people at that time when he was feeding his sheep’s of his father-in-law. LORD appeared in front of him in the burning bush and said I have heard the groaning of My people and have also seen their pain; then to set them free he sent Moses to the king Pharaoh and said that I will definitely be with you. LORD through Moses gave us the commandments which we have to follow today. Similarly, LORD spoke to Moses, “I have sent you; when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain Exodus 3:2.” In the same way LORD has chosen Joshua and said to him, “as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. Joshua 1:5” LORD stay in the holy place that’s why the words that He spoke to Moses the same words He spoke to Joshua also that is to take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground that is LORD’s place. Are we giving the same respect and honor to our LORD; that how shall be the place of our LORD, which part of our house is for our LORD. Similarly, an angel of our LORD appeared in front of Gideon and said, that LORD’s calling is for him that he should set the people of our LORD free from Midian. LORD called Samuel by his name. LORD anointed David through Samuel. Today, also LORD calling us by our name the only thing is we have to listen to Him. In John 15:16 it is written the LORD says that you did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you. David was small by his age since then LORD has chosen him. David wanted to build the temple of our LORD but he was not able to, but LORD’s temple was constructed by his son Solomon. Jeremiah was a LORD’s trustworthy messenger who used to do prophecy on behalf of LORD. Jeremiah was one of the great prophets of LORD. In Jeremiah 1:5 it is written “Before I have formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” After few years we can see that to renew the LORD’s temple which was made by Solomon. LORD appeared in front of Ezekiel and the construction of the temple was completed. Time to time LORD, according to the requirement has chosen different people and He made them do the work. At the time of JESUS CHRIST’s death the curtain of the temple got split into two parts and the Holy Spirit moved out of that place. LORD’s Spirit will be present at the place where His work takes place. Today, also LORD’s calling is the same, LORD in Matthew 23:37 says that I wanted, but you were not willing! This is true that His calling is still for us that’s why in Joshua 24:15 tells that choose for yourself this day whom you will serve. As today also LORD chose and sends but we do not believe them, that’s why John 13:20 says, “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who receives whomever I send receives Me; and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me.” In Zechariah 6:12 it is written that person will branch out from His place He shall build the temple of the LORD. We know that there was no discussion to build that temple of our LORD. Each and every word of bible will be completed, then the construction of the temple is definitely going to take place. LORD sent JESUS CHRIST; JESUS CHRIST His disciples and today also He is accomplishing His work through His chosen ones, but we don’t believe them as we have not read the gospel and had not understood it. We must also live like children of our LORD and when we are His children then we are His people and successors. So, we have to fulfill all our responsibilities towards our LORD. We have to make our LORD’s temple and for that we have to prepare our hearts.